Geek+ is awarded Top 15 of China’s innovation enterprises by Fortune Magazine

Upload time:2017-12-20 Source:

At the beginning of December, one of the three most influential financial magazines all over the world, 《Fortune Magazine》announced Top 15 winners list of China innovation competition. The leading warehousing robotic enterprise Geek+ was in the list. Geek+ was the only one of warehousing robotic enterprises which selected by the list, and got the approval of organizing committee and experts by excellent innovation ability and reliable intelligent logistics solutions.

Geek+ is awarded Top 15 of China’s innovation enterprises by Fortune Magazine

Fortune Magazine was founded in 1930 by Henry Luce, an American, who published research articles on economic issues. Fortune magazine has been the focus of economic circles since it launched the global 500 in 1954. 2017 fortune's brainstorm tech international conference to be held in Guangzhou, China, and launched the "fortune China innovation competition", aims to dig out the most impressive start-ups and entrepreneurs, their innovative products and services will bring profound influence to China even all over the world.

After a series of screening, Geek+ stands out from many candidates and becomes the Top 15 of the competition.
Geek+ is awarded Top 15 of China’s innovation enterprises by Fortune Magazine

The CEO of Geek+, Zheng Yong did a presentation about AI and intelligent logistics. He said, Geek+ tries to find an effective way to turn AI into business and social value. To become a great technology company, we need to find the industry pain point, use the mature technology effectively, combine with new business model to generate innovative applications and solutions.

Geek+ is awarded Top 15 of China’s innovation enterprises by Fortune Magazine

Nowadays in China, the large amount and fast-growing logistics industry faces very huge challenges. The gradual disappearance of the demographic dividend has made it difficult for traditional automation to adapt to market changes. Driven by the market, innovative intelligent logistics solutions emerge. Intelligent logistics, starting with innovative technologies, fully understands and integrates the AI with mature technologies, drives the transformation of logistics industry through a new business model.

Geek+ was founded in 2015, it has sell more than 2,000 robots, approximately ten types of robots within 3 years. Its rapid development speed has opened up an innovative road for China's logistics robot industry. Geek robot intelligent logistics solutions have successfully landed in multiple industry field, and done data mining and the optimization of user experience at the same time which comprehensively improve supply chain efficiency, build the model of agile supply chain system and accelerate the technological change of warehousing logistics industry.