Webinar: Is your business ready to face peak season period of high demand?

Posted by Sarah Gomez on Jul 11, 2022 5:06:38 AM

Is your business' logistics overwhelmed by peak season period such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday or Christmas? With automated solutions like those offered by Geek+ for our customers' warehouses, your ecommerce could face these times just like another Tuesday!

"The warehouse of the future will be automated or it won't be," says Julián Villalobos, Sales Manager for Spain and Portugal at Geek+ Europe. This was one of the conclusions of the talk that we were able to hold in our first podcast and where we also had in mind the success story of the Chilean e-commerce SP Digital. 

SP Digital , with the great management of Diego Santander CEO of the company and the help of one of our distributors throughout the globe such as Boreal Technologies, has been able to change its manual warehouse to a fully automated one thanks to Goods To Person solutions by Geek+.

“It is a path in our operations from which there is no return” as Diego rightly says, since once you test your operations with this automation it is difficult to go back. 

Fabián Audisio, CRO of Boreal Technologies , also wanted to leave his opinion about the cultural issue within companies to automate their warehouses. “Companies should observe and be more open to the fact that this type of solution is going to change the way they operate”, since at first it is a bit of skepticism about what is new that makes them doubt. Something that is also key on a day-to-day basis and that Javier Miguélez, a consultant in mobile robotics, sees as essential is

“the role that people are going to play in this evolution since they must be increasingly trained and play key roles.” 

Do not miss our first podcast where we talk about these and some other keys to what it means to have an automated solution in a warehouse at a time of high demand. Click on it and enjoy.


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Podcast transcript 


Andrés Espuelas (Speaker 1) : Hello everyone. Welcome to our first podcast for Geek Plus. On this occasion we are going to talk about how to face a period of high demand with automated solutions in your warehouse. And well, for me it is a pleasure to have this group of colleagues and the industry. And we start by presenting one Fabi án Audisio from Boreal Technologies. Very good Fabian  


Fabián Audisio (Speaker 2) Very good. Nice to meet you Andrés, and a pleasure to be in this first Geek+ podcast. 


Speaker 1: Javier Miguel is a mobile robotics consultant. Very good, Xavier. How are you?  


Javier Miguélez (Speaker 5): Good. Buenas tardes. Good morning, Andres. Well very good. Thank you very much for the invitation. Both Geek+ and private time. Hey? And I hope to enjoy a lot of you.  


Speaker 1: Diego Santander, CEO of the company CPP Digital. Very good Diego.  


Diego Santander (Speaker 3): Hello, how are you? Hello.  


Speaker 1: And finally, Julián Villalobos is responsible for sales for ID Plus in Spain and Portugal. Very good Julian.  


Julián Villalobos (Speaker 4):  Good afternoon everyone. Hello. Long time no talk with you! 


Speaker 1: Well, nothing, just to start this podcast a bit. I wanted to introduce the theme of the change that has occurred in logistics in recent years and. And since we have Diego here, who is responsible for a company like SP Digital that has gone through all the cycles, would you give us a brief introduction to this change?  


Speaker 3: Yes, well, we technology things, we were a bit outdated regarding the modernity of internal logistics costs, and in that sense it basically reached a point where the decision to start automating our solution, let's say, logistics and techniques, it was the best option in terms of a very modern, very flexible and order management standard. And we jumped headlong into the issue, as we say in Chile, and it's true that we are super, super happy with the solution.  


Speaker 1: And how do you go from being a family business to practically having a completely automated warehouse? How does this change in logistics look like in a company like yours?  


Speaker 3 [00:03:09]Of course. In these 15 years of experience, we have had several stages. But in the last five years the company began to have a more or less regular growth and with the pandemic there was an exponential growth, we could say so. And in that sense, of course, it has to be a very quick decision, because in our distribution centers, which were all manual, we had to make a decision to basically update our solutions and I think that this change was effectively there. In other words, we can no longer continue to work everything by hand, essentially with a very costly operation in human terms and also in overtime. And it was a natural decision, really. It went through an evaluation process so quickly and I think it was indeed time that this already has to change. 


Speaker 1: Fabián also wanted to ask you about this change in logistics, since you have been present in the industry for all these years. I wanted you to tell me a little about how you have seen all this change. From Boreal Technologies, how have you seen this change?  


Speaker 2:Well, it is a change that has no return because from the moment that companies begin to migrate to solutions with mobile robots, I believe that there is no turning back. We at Boreal in 2019, more or less a year before this whole pandemic situation, had started working with Geek+ and at that time what struck us a lot about Geek+ was the complete solution, which was ultimately a key solution in hand that included the robots, the racks, the picking stations. But, above all, a tremendous artificial intelligence solution that once the system starts rolling, you really see the fruits. And it is what we see today, for example, in that beginning, that the solution really begins to have a tremendous operational round. so good,  


Speaker 1: Especially in a world like that of commerce. Good thing, in this case, Diego, as SP Digital is an e-commerce, but hey, it seems that this trend in terms of e-commerce has grown in recent years and has become a boom. And above all, I wanted to highlight an E-Marketer study that says that global online sales will grow from $4.9 trillion in 2021 to $6.4 in 2024. In other words, we still have a long way to go. Javier, you who are in contact with companies in the sector, how do you see that these companies are going to satisfy this high demand in the coming months or years. 


Speaker 5:Well, and months, I would tell you. It is a broad question, I think, and hand in hand with what other colleagues have commented, automation is no longer an option, before perhaps it was an option, but today no longer, no longer, you can no longer consider the yes is the yes to automate or it is not, that is the question. With what technology you don't know, but to automate you have to automate. If perhaps the greatest challenge today and in the coming months and years is no longer in the manufacture of mobile robots with technology, but in the integration and installation of all the equipment in the different industries. In the end, it must be taken into account that the main difference between a manual machine and an automatic machine is that the automatic machine requires installation and integration with computer systems. And that installation, and that integration have to be carried out by people. Of course, a sector that has a growth of more than 10% per year and that is expected to continue growing for the next ten years at that rate is going to require a lot of personnel. This for me is the biggest challenge I see today in the mobile robotics industry. And no, it's not. It is not the manufacture of the equipment. Yes, that is, human work, let's say, is key in these coming years. It is key and also requires knowledge and experience that take time to acquire and that cannot be learned in a month or two months or a year. In most cases we are talking about years later, since it is a challenge that robotics has ahead of it. a sector that is growing at more than 10% a year and is expected to continue to grow for the next ten years at that rate is going to require a lot of staff. This for me is the biggest challenge I see today in the mobile robotics industry. And no, it's not. It is not the manufacture of the equipment. Yes, that is, human work, let's say, is key in these coming years. It is key and also requires knowledge and experience that take time to acquire and that cannot be learned in a month or two months or a year. In most cases we are talking about years later, since it is a challenge that robotics has ahead of it. a sector that is growing at more than 10% a year and is expected to continue to grow for the next ten years at that rate is going to require a lot of staff. This for me is the biggest challenge I see today in the mobile robotics industry. And no, it's not. It is not the manufacture of the equipment. Yes, that is, human work, let's say, is key in these coming years. It is key and also requires knowledge and experience that take time to acquire and that cannot be learned in a month or two months or a year. In most cases we are talking about years later, since it is a challenge that robotics has ahead of it. It is not the manufacture of the equipment. Yes, that is, human work, let's say, is key in these coming years. It is key and also requires knowledge and experience that take time to acquire and that cannot be learned in a month or two months or a year. In most cases we are talking about years later, since it is a challenge that robotics has ahead of it. It is not the manufacture of the equipment. Yes, that is, human work, let's say, is key in these coming years. It is key and also requires knowledge and experience that take time to acquire and that cannot be learned in a month or two months or a year. In most cases we are talking about years later, since it is a challenge that robotics has ahead of it. 


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Speaker 1: Julián, I guess, okay, because I think you face this type of problem every day, right?  


Speaker 4:If right. Totally agree. And as Javier says, it's going to grow at a fast pace over the next ten years and it's also going to be more personal. And I would add that this staff is difficult to find depending on the country, but it is difficult to find. Perhaps I know more because I am here in Europe more than America, but I imagine that the problem will be the same, not only to find, to train and that they do not leave, right? So by talking about different countries, you can see that they have two opposing positions, not at the level of unemployment. Spain on the one hand with impressive unemployment and cannot find workers in the logistics sector, but other countries such as Germany or Poland, with very low, very low, very low employment and cannot find them either. So let's say that the sector faces a challenge of capturing profiles.  


Speaker 4: Recruit personnel, then as you will need, you will grow with your company and you will need to grow in orders, but you will not be able to hire more personnel. In the end we go to automation. As I said, it is no longer a question of whether you are going to automate or not, it is with what technology you are going to automate and when you are going to do it. Before or after the competition? The competition is going to get ahead of you or you are going to or you are going to be the first. In this case, SP Digital is a case that I really like because it has been innovative. Okay what in some countries they would say crazy or such, in another we say innovators, okay, but go ahead, go ahead. So me, if it were the competition of SP Digital, I would be worried because it has overtaken them and that is very good. That makes a country grow, in this case Chile. So we need such innovative companies in other countries, many more innovative, crazy as I tell you, it's worth that they dare to take the step. This is a question, isn't it? If you also wanted to comment on how intelligently we can make the most demanded products that take less time to reach the operator, right? And from here I wanted to comment that Geek+ helps industries transform in the age of intelligence and solutions. From here you can see even the different industrial scenarios. We have carried out projects in a wide range of industries, clothing, electronic commerce, logistics retail, pharmaceutical manufacturing and among them ICT solutions. And for example, as in the case of SP Digital, they always adapt. And I was commenting to one of the participants about the different parts that are needed for the automation process. We identify it with our robots, they make use of advanced technology, robotics, intelligence and one part is the hardware, which is the casing or its mechanical operation, and the other is the software. The computer system that allows the robot to move from point to point and act. The third is artificial intelligence. These two key components are forced by artificial intelligence algorithms written by our department, in addition to allowing everything to be intelligent and make its own decisions. And on this card the data is based. The more information we collect, the more accurate our algorithms will be, which will improve the intelligence of the robot and provide us with the data. And as an example, picking robots that are the most demanded solution. These robots where it takes the shelves rather to the worker instead of him going to the shelves and instead of merchandise, person who replaces the traditional person to merchandise, which requires more time. In short, this would be the smartest way to bring the demand for the most demanded products closer to less and using the best human resources.  


Speaker 2: From the point of view of the human side, in SP Digital we particularly find ourselves with a very, very pleasant situation. It was the team that Diego has. It is a very enthusiastic team. They themselves were in charge of making the necessary interfaces to be able to connect to the Geek+ system. But not only that. I was in the trade a couple of weeks ago and there is a lot of enthusiasm throughout the trading industry that they found that adding robots and automating the solution is actually a benefit to the whole team. No, they didn't see it as a competitor to the robot in terms of taking away job opportunities, so it really is a very, very interesting model operation to watch and well, very, very entertaining, very funny, because the whole the staff is very involved in the at work.  

But without a doubt the merit goes to Diego, because in the end I think it's a matter of motivation. He looks over and must be transferring something to the rest of the team.  


Speaker 1: Yes, it seems interesting to me because one of the things I wanted to highlight was in the work environment. How is a machine introduced in a work environment such as the case of SP Digital? Diego who has been accustomed to other solutions and that in the end they see him as Fabián says, as a friend who helps you manage your day to day and make the work environment more positive. No?  


Speaker 3:Of course. Look, the truth is that in Chile they are robotic stories, there are not many because there are a couple that have organized solutions, so, in effect, it is not something very accessible to the public. And when we started the implementation, the robots arrived and took a giant box of art out of the boxes and someone was enthusiastic about something unknown, indeed, like something about how this is going to work like I think nobody comes up with anything, despite that there is life on the internet, there are solutions, but, but the background helps to evolve. And yes, I believe that today, more than a threat, I see it as an added value to his work. Now whether they continue with us or elsewhere, I think that today their resume is a relevant aspect. I have already worked with a robotic system, understanding that this is probably the future, let's say, of the Beijing solutions. In that sense, indeed, I believe that they see it as an added value plus a threat and for the rest, they have also affected me a lot in the company. That is why in no case did it mean having to take out enough picking personnel, only that the flow was now reloaded in another area. For example, the duck to get out of here has a problem, but it is a problem if he does not have the ticket also that there is an issue to be resolved, but in no case to do so did it mean that there is no need to move forward, quite the opposite. only that the flow was now recharged in another zone. For example, the duck to get out of here has a problem, but it is a problem if he does not have the ticket also that there is an issue to be resolved, but in no case to do so did it mean that there is no need to move forward, quite the opposite. only that the flow was now recharged in another zone. For example, the duck to get out of here has a problem, but it is a problem if he does not have the ticket also that there is an issue to be resolved, but in no case to do so did it mean that there is no need to move forward, quite the opposite.  


Speaker 4: Despite the fact that a robot like that is going to come out of there, with arms like the movies. Sure, this one having any famous American robot.  


Speaker 3: We have taken people to see the solution to the press or returned guests as well. And the truth is that everything has been good, very impressive, but quite loaded, moving quite fast and that it was very close to a PC. He sits on it.  


Speaker 5: And I think that what is clear is that, and this based on my experience is that the prior to the predisposition is different in each company and the one that has a very good predisposition as is the case of Diego and then there are others companies, well let's say they have a different disposition and that greatly influences the success of the project.  


Speaker 2: We see cases and yes, a very, very important issue. I think that part of the enthusiasm and the teamwork that the entire group of that principal did is that the solution was implemented really quickly. In other words, it was, it was a solution that was really implemented in six months from day zero and perhaps a little less, even the day that work began live. With which, well, again it is a great merit of the entire SP Digital work team with our Boreal team, they also felt very comfortable and identified and. And welcome to work there. So, well, it really is a success story, but it was a very, very, very pleasant surprise for us to switch from a manual solution to a fully automated solution with robots.  


Speaker 1: And in fact, Diego, spinning with the topic at hand, today's podcast, eh, well, you've had an intense Cyber ​​Day test period, how has it been managed? Because I guess the step from doing it manually to doing it automated is important, right?  


Speaker 3: Yes, yes, indeed. Well, we had high periods before the cyber, like Christmas time or what do I know, seasons, let's say, bigger, but yes, in the cyber. Indeed, the system was put to the test in its entirety. Now there are always drawbacks that are, let's say, associated more with the infrastructure itself, let's say, of the networks. It is a matter of servers to remove the focus, they come in with a lot of demand, but the robotic solution, the truth is that throughout this period the network is very relaxed, the team is also very calm. Indeed we were able to cover all the orders that come in the time we had. Indeed, for this date there is always one or two additional days on the network, which was not even necessary. But we were all very, very, very good, and the team fulfilled all the tasks.  


Speaker 1: I guess. I guess thanks to that flexibility that automated solutions give you, right?  


Speaker 3: Yes, of course. On a day-to-day basis, we have three picking stations, usually with one station or stations we are normal. But of course, an adaptation is being the key element for the purposes of the three seasons. It is preparing the root very agile and very flexible. Very flexible solution.  


Speaker 1: Javier, I wanted to ask you. Companies today are prepared for this type of moment or it represents a moment of crisis within their work.  


Speaker 5:These are generally moments of crisis, they are moments of crisis, not because of the amount of work, not because of working with automated constructions, but working with human resources. It is very complicated because many will tell you that it is very difficult to find all the staff you need for Christmas or Black Friday. In other words, it is no longer a question of it being complicated because you have to have many orders. It is a question that you have to find people to help you manage these orders manually. So, automatically, well, all this is reduced a lot. Of course, the volume of orders also affects the operation of the company, but I believe that, with an automated solution, the flexibility that you have in a sense of the hour apart, allows you to be much better prepared. Hence what Julián commented before that they start with the competition with a very important competitive advantage. And that competitive advantage is not only transmitted in productivity, but it is also transmitted in how fast you are.ú when delivering an order.  


Speaker 1: Juli án, these solutions can also take advantage of, for example, the night.  


Speaker 4: Yes, totally. Totally agree. We have developed a concept that is Dynamic Slotting with PopPick that basically during inactive hours, our robots perform tasks to optimize the location of the merchandise based on the forecast for the next day using artificial intelligence. In this way, we take advantage of the rack and improve picking by managing the boxes with the highest output at the beginning of the warehouse and closer to the work stations and those with the lowest output the next day, at the end of the warehouse, with operating savings of 50% and allowing high-performance order preparation and shipping operations to be carried out, which, in addition to the above, are increasingly being implemented in value-added technologies and services.  


Speaker 5: What a solution! It has been quite spectacular. More with the robot than placing the box with his arms.  


Speaker 4: And I wanted to add that dynamic slotting is perfect for the night, but also in those stops during the day where it can be managed in the dead times of the day if there is any.  


Speaker 5: And weekend.  


Speaker 4: Or weekend.  


Speaker 1: Fabián also wanted to introduce a little bit the subject of flexibility, such as what Julián has just commented on, but also how you, when integrating these solutions in the final client, how can you adapt to what already a customer have? Because there are times when it is difficult to change the warehouse from the beginning, right?  


Speaker 2:Yes, yes, totally. There is an issue of evangelization of clients in that it is necessary to somehow break paradigms and get them to start looking at the solution from, perhaps in many cases, the opposite side to how they had been working. Precisely what we mentioned that principal was a case of SP Digital, which is a team of very innovative young people and they saw from the beginning that this solution was somehow, it was an excellent path. In the Latin American countries where we usually work, there is a very strong path, in a way, so to speak, of evangelizing companies and especially logistics personnel and technology personnel who are accustomed to the usual historical path of say good, but the robot may not give me the expected performance. And the performance is. And the performance of notebooks, as Geek + offers in a few months thanks to artificial intelligence ends up arriving. Which is very impressive. And a topic that is not minor is the support that Geek + has given us here in a place as remote as South America. At all times we have the possibility to consult and at all times and there is a willingness to help so that the implementations are successful. 


Speaker 1: Fabian. What would you say to that company in that gospel that is complicated for those companies that are not so willing? Would you have three commandments? I'm not going to tell you ten because they are a lot, but three or four commandments would you have to tell them? 


Speaker 2: Look, it's mainly there's an opening theme and to see that this solution is really going to change the way you operate. I believe that this is the fundamental point and then the second commandment I think would be to think about the customer, the customer who is going to be receiving the merchandise or who is going to be receiving the orders and it is the one in which you are really going to achieve that customer has greater satisfaction. And the third, without a doubt, is once the logistics manager, the operations manager or the IT manager saw that this solution is the ideal one, that they manage to spread that enthusiasm to their team because it is vital for the operation to work, right?  


Speaker 1: Javier, do you have any commandment to add or have you surely found yourself in very similar situations?  


Speaker 5: I always have one, although it has nuances and is inefficient and inefficient instead of being in front of a general manager, I understand. That first you have to make efficient processes and then automated. I know people who tolerate them, who don't get into their heads and it's super important.  


Speaker 4: What Javier says is one of his commandments. Attest. I've already heard it several times and it always emphasizes it. Totally agree. Do not automate the inefficient.  


Speaker 1: And do you want to add any more, Julián, in which you have also found yourself.  


Speaker 4: I think flexibility. Perhaps today in the market you are required to be flexible and this type of solution has flexibility for parts, more capacity for more shelves, more productivity. 2nd shift, 3rd shift, 4th shift weekend, more bots, blackfriday spikes, etc. There is the robot as a service solution the robot at your service. Then to flexibility, because today you have to be flexible, because if not the competition is going to be flexible and all that to win the game. That would be a commandment, that is, that the tables could be flexible. We have changed many paradigms, haven't we? So you have to be very flexible in order to keep the customer satisfied and that the customer comes back and no longer to the competition.  


Speaker 1 [00:29:34] I would like to add one thing. This is not, it is not that it is a commandment, but it is a reality and surely at some point you have lived it. And it is that as much as you try to plan it, when you arrive at a site with robots and the way it works is not exactly how you expected. And this is unavoidable. This is unavoidable. In other words, it will always look like a column, a pillar where you didn't expect it to be, because it doesn't match up on the plane. There are always things that do not coincide with theory, right? And there I return, in the absence of Julián, who has flexibility and there you have to adapt. What you can't tell the client is “hey him, a pillar or a column of five meters should be moved to the left, which is what we had thought”. Well, that's unacceptable, right?  



Speaker 1: I think many listeners who listen to us will ask themselves and it is the issue of returns, because how, how does this solution also help returns? Because it is one of the headaches for an e-commerce, I suppose, Diego.  


Speaker 3: The issue of returns, if indeed there is a problem with a problem with single returns, really , we treat it as merchandise. They are in the process of reviewing a case of packaging or labeling, but the storage process is excellent for us, it is transparent, that is, we do not do it. The problem, indeed we do not treat it under any merchandise, it is excellent. 


Speaker 1: Fabián, have you found something similar? In other words, problems with the issue to be resolved, returns with clients or it is something already solved. 


Speaker 2: Look here we go from two sides. Some existing customers who are somehow treating like Diego mentioned returns as standard merchandise and re-inserting them back into the system somehow. But, on the other hand, I believe that for us to work by focusing on the fact that thanks to the Geek+ systems and the artificial intelligence provided, we can help improve the returns circuit, which is itself a headache for logistics operations. I think it's a very interesting plus for automation solutions with the Cloud, right?  


Speaker 1: And I suppose that in that sense the customer experience has improved a lot because if the customer has it easier and the company offers him more facilities for the return, even when receiving the package in less time, these solutions have helped improve that customer experience. 


Speaker 2: I think so. I also think that Diego is more authorized there than me, because he is the one who manages a logistics operation.  


Speaker 3: The differentiator is how to deal with returns, because already the dispatch time, with the competitiveness that exists today, it is true that it has tended enough to be standardized. For example, here in Latin America there is a free market that presses that, in one day, maximum two days, in the delivery, the dispatch time is already in the standard and effectively now we have to deal with returns and as I said, in logistics operators the offer is wide as in the last mile, indeed, but also one does as the operator offers a very agile return service, one also has to process it as quickly as possible. That is highly, highly, highly valued and demanded by customers. 


Speaker 1: Xavier. Have you found yourself with that feeling too?  


Speaker 5: Let's see, of course. The issue of speed in the management of the return is absolutely key. It is almost even more important than the list when it comes to delivery. I would say, while you form the link that networks have or the relationship that returns have with mobile optics or light systems. Let's say that you have to see it from two points of view, one point of view would be from the point of view of processes. In other words, as Diego has said very well, the treatment you give to a return, that there is a series of processes that the rest of the merchandise does not have and therefore has to be treated differently. So these processes may or may not help you in mobile robotics. And then, when it comes to storage, it is clear that yes, that second part there, there, of course, there can be a very important help from mobile robotics, especially if you treat them the same as if they put the rest of the merchandise. That yes, once it is clear that it has already been replaced, you have labeled it, etc., but I think that there the focus, more than on the question of mobile robotics, which is an aid, is between some defined processes at the time of the return, make them very clear. Very clear and very efficient. And then we can automate much better. make them very clear. Very clear and very efficient. And then we can automate much better. make them very clear. Very clear and very efficient. And then we can automate much better.  


Speaker 1: I did not want to go over a topic that we have discussed before, which is the work environment that has improved within the warehouse with these solutions. But I also wanted to highlight the issue of ergonomics that the employees will stand out a lot thanks to this type of solution, right? Julián, I don't know if you want to highlight something in that aspect.  


Speaker 4:Yes, yes, the issue of ergonomics, automatic warehouse automation processes, possible economic solutions for warehouses managed with automated systems and, fundamentally, picking tasks are characterized by being very intuitive, requiring a level of training that is not very complex. , as they are easy to operate and, above all, offer excellent economy that favors sustained productivity. Why? Because at these workstations the rate at which the preparation staff receives the goods is very high. A good layout of the height, the distance between zones, the layout of the lifting systems of any weight or load, the substation and other auxiliary equipment is important. It is also important to facilitate the work of the operator and allow the productivity of the automatic storage system not to plummet when the human factor intervenes. That would be the most remarkable to see my point of view in the economy in the automatic warehouse process.  


Speaker 5: Totally. There perhaps if you want to make a little difference between traditional processes that go beyond mobile robotics itself. But that paradigm shift that makes people not have to move. The other day a client told me that he had operators who went on a scooter, because no, they can't move more than 20 kilometers a day. Walking 30 kilometers a day every day, how do you get to the weekend? and after 50 years I don't even want to tell you. So, beyond the question of the contribution of mobile robotics, which is true that a lot comes when it comes to displacement, the process itself is that it improves a lot, since it is the process for the human being.  


Speaker 2: No, no, no, no, just. And I totally agree with what Javier mentions that the human being becomes focused on tasks that somehow have greater relevance and everything that is repetitive and tedious is going to be handled very efficiently by him. robot system.  


Speaker 1: I especially Diego, I suppose that today with the intensity of a Black Friday or summer sales or similar, it does not affect.  


Speaker 3: Well, what Javier says, not having to travel kilometers every day. I think that for some creators of the work more than welcome it is a very important change. And I also hope that this is a jewel in the economy of the collection of the shelves. The signaling of the pin plate, which I know is also very important for us, at least someone in the operation if it greatly improves the health of the workers, because one can comment and get into a totally manual operation, right? yes? And there is a very very positive aspect.  


Speaker 1: Well, I'm about to finish a bit, what we had prepared for today would be for us to discuss where we're going. Because well, we have the future, we already have it here in the present, let's say, with all the solutions that I have described, but what awaits us in the coming months, years?  


Speaker 2: I think that the PopPick that Julián mentioned that Geek+ designed is the beginning of that future. Because it becomes a multimodal operation with bins with standard racks, with general cargo, all integrated, with pallet racks... With which I believe that this is the beginning of a future that will come with much more innovation. And well, and undoubtedly on the side of Julián, Javier, they will be able to provide more information, but I believe that the future has already begun today and we are on that path. 


Speaker 4: I am going to summarize it in one sentence: the warehouse of the future will be automated or it will not be. And this is not a presale phrase. That is to say, that a company does not have its automated warehouse, the competition will have it. And when 99% of the companies of the competition have a system in the end, the costs will be higher. It is more important in the one that has not been automated than the one that has automated the response time instantly, commented Javier. The response time to the cause is customer service. All that the competition will do better. And in the end, the end customer, our customer's customer is going to change to the competition. So it's not a question of doing, it's a question of when I'm going to do it. If I do it in 2023, will it be better than doing it in 2030? Well surely yes. It will be better in 2023 than 2030. I sometimes compare mobile robotics a bit to cars. Today no one gets a horse carriage driver's license because they are called. Well okay, then horse carriages have evolved. Now people get a driver's license, a taxi, and so on. No, but in 20 years maybe it will be taxi drivers. So evolution is innate to the human being. We are not talking about technology, about robotics. No, we are not talking about the human being, about anthropology. This is very important because if we had not evolved we would all continue to go on horseback or some on foot. Okay, so Javier has previously commented on an anecdote with a client of his to comment on one and the other day I agreed with the company, which is very profitable, but the warehouse manager is concerned because of the manual. It is a company that sells mattresses, huge margins and do you know how they have organized their warehouse? By sizes, by size. In the mattresses they go by sizes and then by colors. Is incredible. With those classifications they have thousands and thousands of mattresses somewhere in Spain. But of course, the owner is doing well, profitable, he is doing well, but the warehouse manager has told him to be careful, that the competition is going to be automated. Obviously it's hard to put a cushion on one of our solutions, okay, but I'm sure there will be other solutions. So, in the end, I insist again on my phrase, it is the warehouse of the future or of the immediate present. Because for me, thanks to innovative companies like SP Digital or to distributors who believe and who are as faithful and honest as Boreal and who do their job very well and we are very proud to have collaborators like Boreal.  



Speaker 5: CEvery day I have it more, clearer. The key to evolution in logistics is not so much production, productivity, but also. But for the flexibility. And Julian said it before. And I am emphasizing it again. You have to be able to change very quickly and adapt very quickly and eliminate what you have before you waste it. It's just that you don't need more than what's interesting tomorrow, right? And you have to have that flexibility. You have to be able to adapt very quickly. And returning to the evolutionary theme, it is always, always said that the animal that survives is not the strongest, but rather the one that best adapts. Well, this is how it is and five years ago nobody would have said that there was going to be a global pandemic. Or we can continue with the war in Ukraine and surely more things will continue to happen, No? So you never know what is going to come and the best way is that you can adapt very quickly to what comes. And there mobile robotics is going to have an absolutely key role.  


Speaker 2: Yes, yes. And specifically, I believe that Geek+ is one step ahead of all its competitors, because there is no talk of changing manual operation by robot if it is not a total change of operation, a total change of operation pointing towards a system with artificial intelligence that is going to change the way you work Then there is an impressive change. Since there are two things, right? The change of philosophy and then automation 


Speaker 1: Of course the cultural change I guess is the difficult part, right? That in the end changing that culture to which you are accustomed is not in a warehouse, that is what is complicated, right?  


Speaker 3: There is a lot of belief in that sense of the relationship, and it is that you have to open your mind a little, adopt, let's say, solutions that are, let's say, studied in other ways. At least I'm a computer engineer. It is training and part of what one like is going to teach them, not to reinvent the wheel. Someone, let's say, with studios like Geek+ put the solution on the table for you, all hands and above all with these very flexible solutions. I believe that part of any legal business that has some operations is to open your mind to find solutions that are well studied.  


Speaker 1: Well, I think that if you don't want to add any other little thing. I think we were able to finish this.  


Speaker 5: For my part, very well. I enjoy great. I love these ongoing actions.  


Speaker 2: Very, very good.  


Speaker 4: Let's hope that the companies that even put some robots in their lives will pay attention and they will be more productive. Your companies, your companies and humanity.  


Speaker 2: Very good closing.  


Speaker 1: As you can see, he is responsible for sales. Very good job.  


Speaker 2: Thank you very much.  


Speaker 1: For my part, I am delighted to have been able to moderate this debate with you and hopefully it will be the first of many.  


Speaker 2: Well, thank you all very much.